Making the Best of It

I went to sleep ridiculously overtired and cranky last night after a really fun weekend in Philly.

I woke up this morning determined to make the best of the day. Life is what you make of it, and I decided that I was going to make the best of it.

For the next three days, I have a job. I don’t know what will happen after that, but for now, I’m employed at a contract gig where I’m becoming a stronger writer and editor every day and learning more about the beauty and fashion industry. I will not be unemployed forever.

I’m training for a marathon and becoming stronger every day.

I chose to carry that attitude with me all day, and I had a great day. The kind where nothing special happened, but it was great anyway.

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I had my favorite breakfast (sunflower butter + banana on a bagel thin.)

And my favorite lunch.

When I got out of work, I was excited to come home and run four miles. When you’re marathon training, four miles feels like nothing. It’s funny how perception changes. Two and a half years ago, I could barely run a mile.

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I ran along the High Line and the Hudson, rocking out to my top 25 most-played songs on my iPhone.


And then I came home, and, inspired by a weekend of being around food bloggers, made a little stir fry.

I sat through a really interesting session on recipe-writing by Stepfanie from SparkPeople this weekend, but unfortunately for you, I don’t really consider my creations recipe-worthy. They’re more like stuff-I-throw-in-pans-and-then-move-to-bowls.

This dinner was a good one, though: soba noodles with stir-fry vegetables (yes, I bought the lazy girl pre-cut veggies), chicken, a splash of coconut milk, soy sauce, ginger zest and sesame oil.

How are you going to make the best of it this week?

13 comments on “Making the Best of It

  1. Tropical Eats

    hahah my recipes are like that too. the pan to bowl method works wonders.

    never run on the high line before! bet that’s pretty neat at night.

    making the best of it by just trying to stay positive. life can be so lifey sometimes.

    glad to hear your freelance gig is going well!

  2. Dori

    Gorgeous sunset pictures!! Your posts haven’t been showing in my reader for the last few, don’t know why. It really is crazy how much our perception of run distance changes through training.

  3. Heather

    When I didn’t have a job sometimes the only thing that would keep me from being a depressed mess was repeating this,”I will not be unemployed forever.”

  4. Allison

    I totes think that anything creation is a recipe- individual in its own! Recently, I’ve been coming home so late my brain doesn’t want to think but my mouth wants to taste and my tummy wants to stop rumbling… Thus, skillets and tosses have become my go-to staple- a quick look into the pantry/ fridge, and before I know it, an egg scramble or pasta salad is born! They may not be photo pretty, but they sure to taste pretty 😛

  5. Beth @ Beth's Journey

    You are so right – – attitude is everything and you decide how your days go. I started yesterday off with a one hour OUTDOOR yoga class (that was free!) and it was an amazing way to start the week/combat post-HLS blues.

  6. Vernon

    Hi Theodora,

    It really a big challenge for us to be stronger and it make sense if there is someone who will inspire us in making this thing more positively.

  7. Jenn Brigole

    What magnificent captures you have here. If I were to face these types of beauties during my runs, I’d definitely be changing my perceptions more often and bring it more on the positive even though I’m sweating and tired.

  8. Katherine

    Gorgeous views in those pics!

    I’m going to make the best of this week by TRYING to focus on the positive and not let my tiredness get to me and stop me from doing fun things.

  9. Sara

    That stir-fry sounds great. I’m going to focus more on getting enough sleep – that always helps me make the best of any situation.


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