Monday Night Musings

It’s nearly 11pm on Monday, and I probably should just go to sleep, but there are a few things I want to share:

  • Weeding makes you REALLY SORE. I woke up this morning, and my hamstrings were THROBBING. I was walking so slowly around the city that I wanted to wear a sign saying “Warning: waddling ahead.”
  • My training for Reach the Beach/my triathlon has turned into following most of the RTB plan (it has us running 5 days a week, and my legs don’t play that game, so I run 3-4) and then using the other days for cross training. So far that’s included swimming a few times but not biking yet. In fact, Bruiser hasn’t been out yet this spring…which obviously needs to be remedied.
  • While I do totally get the morning workout thing, there’s really something to be said for a good workout after work to wind down. Tonight, I swam 900 yards (my tri is 880 yards) and then laid in the sauna. Ahh…
  • While the shelves may be sort of picked over, there’s nothing like grocery shopping just before the grocery store is closing and you have the grocery store to yourself.
  • Fitness magazine is hooking up its readers with free workouts at a bunch of gyms around the country tomorrow, May 1.
  • One of my coworkers signed up to run the NYC Marathon through a charity today, and I am so, so excited for her.
  • I’m also so happy for Sweaty Emily, who crushed the hell out of the Eugene Marathon this weekend–3:0-freaking-8. If you haven’t read her recap, you should.


Getting home from the gym and grocery shopping after 10 means deciding if I should have a late dinner or just go to sleep. Well, far be it for me to skip a meal, so I made some tortellini because they were the quickest thing I could make, and added some spinach and chicken. And now I have lunch for tomorrow, too.

What’s on your mind?

5 comments on “Monday Night Musings

  1. Megan @ Run Like a Grl

    Yum that tortellini looks delicious. As a late night snack today I had a granola bar that I made the other day.

    On my mind today is how I’m almost done with graduate school. Only a few more finals!

  2. Gisselle

    I have never tried tortellini before and I always hear it from friends.. I guess this is the time I should try it together with this spinach and chicken..

  3. dorry

    let’s go ride our bikes sometime soon! Central Park? West Side Hwy? both? and then we can stop for a beverage! 🙂


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