Slaughtering Sunday Night Anxiety + Cyber Monday Zooma Race Discount!

I’m not going to lie, I went into today with some lingering Sunday Night Anxiety.

I went into today thinking about how much I have to get done this week, how much I need to get done in the next few weeks so I can just relax on the beach in St. Croix.

Nothing spectacular happened today, but I was still in a fabulous mood, and I even still had plenty of energy by the time I left. I’m trying to focus on eating better–and less processed food–before I go to St. Croix, and even just focusing on that the past few days is already making a difference. (Or maybe there was more caffeine in my coffee than I realized this morning?)


I got a new haircut yesterday, and I felt like a new person walking into work today.


I stopped at a little boutique after my haircut, and got this sweater and bracelet with a gift card I won a few months ago, and they, too, put a little more pep into my step at work.

I got out of work at a decent hour, and did a bit of pre-Christmas shopping. Some people get sick of Christmas music by the end of the season, BUT NOT ME. I was basically grinning walking around Flatiron tonight.


I came home and assembled some leftovers into a meal. Rotisserie chicken, stuffing and string beans with almonds. I’m 3/3 for having prepared my own meals today, something that hasn’t happened in a while. I’m trying my best to stop spending so much damn money on food, despite being busy.



And I got this sweet postcard in the mail from the Army Ten-Miler. This little postcard reminded me of a really fun day with my friends and had a hilarious picture of me on it. It’s on my refrigerator right now, but it may go to work to be hung next to my Marine Corps certificate. Unclear.

Zooma Annapolis

I was recently selected to be a ZOOMA Ambassador for their Annapolis race next year, which means I will get a free entry in exchange for blogging about the race. I had a lengthy phone conversation with their founder, Brae Blackley, a few months ago, and she told me about how she quit her job in corporate law to follow her dreams and create a women’s only race. I love hearing stories about people who follow their hearts to do what makes them happy–especially when it involves encouraging others to adopt a healthy lifestyle. And I love crabcakes and football, and that’s what Maryland does, so I had to do it.


If you’re interested in running their Florida, Texas or Annapolis races, they’re offering 10% off today.

Oh, and they love chevron as much as I do. Deal.

How was your Monday? Are you doing any of the Zooma races? Are there any other race discount codes I should know about?

18 comments on “Slaughtering Sunday Night Anxiety + Cyber Monday Zooma Race Discount!

  1. Katie @ Katie Moves

    Crabcakes and Football! that’s what Maryland does! sooo glad I get that movie reference LOL I live close to Maryland so I’m thinking of possibly doing that race…and also if i sign up you betcha I’ll be repeating that quote a million times πŸ™‚

  2. Cindy

    Your hair looks amazing! If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get your necklace? It’s so beautiful!

    I wish they did Zooma races in the UK.

  3. Katie

    I love that the Zooma race founder pursued something that truly makes her happy! I dream of that every day and hopefully am making my way there. This just makes me want to run a Zooma run so much more… Hopefully they bring one to Seattle next year!

    Fantastic ‘do and new sweater! It’s the little things that make all the difference.

    I hope it’s a great week for you and you get to be worry free on vacation πŸ™‚

  4. Alyse

    ..forgive me. What is on the end of your sweater sleeve? When you posted that picture on twitter, I was like, did a pen explode on it? I must be missing something.

    The hairs look lovely. πŸ˜‰

  5. Jess

    FYI that Annapolis course is a hilly bitch from hell, especially the naval academy bridge, where you bake in the sun. So definitely include some hills in your training!

    Annapolis is a beautiful city though and I’m sure you’ll have a great time!

  6. Heidi

    I LOVED zooma last year and applied to be an ambassador (albeit too late) – this year i’m likely begging off since i don’t know if i’ll be in decent enough shape to run a 10k let alone a half marathon two – three months after baby schmidt is due in the world.

    However! I will be there cheering you all on in my adopted hometown which I’m sure you will love as much as I do πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


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