Is This Real Life?

I’ve just been handed a very important announcement.

APPARENTLY, I have a blog. It’s been a while since I’ve been here, I know. Sometimes if I haven’t posted for a while, it’s because things aren’t going super well for me and I need to take a step back.

But lately, it’s been just the opposite. Things are good, and I’ve been savoring that offline time. One of my friends commented how happy I look lately, and it’s true.

Fire Island

Work is RAMPING up right now, and I’ve had a lot going on on that front, but I was lucky enough to steal away a few days before things get entirely insane.

Friday night, I took the subway to the train to a bus to a ferry out to Fire Island. (Despite all of those modes of transportation, the trip out actually went by relatively quickly.) It was after 9 by the time I got on the ferry, and I was so happy to just gaze up at the stars and hear the crash of the waves.

I came back Sunday evening, dropped my stuff for just long enough to take (what felt like) a cat nap and head out to JFK…

Fresh Direct Lobster

To go on A LOBSTER TRIP WITH FRESHDIRECT. Apparently this is real life, but I don’t believe it either.

I’ll have a full recap soon, but our flight from Portland got canceled last night, and instead we took home a van that got us in at 2:30am, and I was up at 7 working…so, good night.

3 comments on “Is This Real Life?

  1. Mary

    whaaat that’s awesome!! And I totally get that transportation thing. When I fly back home to go to the Vineyard, I do plane to train to bus to boat. woo!

  2. Pingback: Life Lately

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