Things Are Going to Be Okay <3

Today was an emotional rollercoaster. My mom was scheduled to have surgery at 3, and I was planning on leaving work at noon to run home for Bailey, pick up some stuff and be uptown with her by 1. She called at 11 to say the doctor was runningΒ early (wha?!) and she was on her way. I scrambled to finish my work and get uptown as quickly as possible. Thanks to a special combination of NYC commuting hell today, it took more than an hour to get there β€” the entire time, I was freaking out that I’d miss being able to see her before her surgery.

Well, I made it in time to give her a big hug before she went in, and she made it through the surgery like a champ.

BEST NEWS? The surgery did what we’d hoped it’d do β€” confirm the scans/blood tests that showed NO CANCER! The past few months certainly haven’t been easy for us as a family, but I know we are so beyond lucky to have received the wonderful news we did today, and I can’t say enough about her medical team at Columbia/New York Presbyterian.

21 comments on “Things Are Going to Be Okay <3

  1. Annie

    I usually don’t comment on blog posts, but I have to say CONGRATULATIONS!!! That gave me goosebumps!! I am so, so happy for you πŸ™‚

  2. Eve

    Amazing news. No better gift than that of good health, and she’s amazing to have fought so hard to receive it. Enjoy celebrating and breathing easier.

  3. Diana

    First time comment-er but just had to send my well wishes. My mom was diagnosed with cancer around the same time your mom was and is now cancer free as well! I’ve been following your story because I totally get the ups and downs and was hoping for the same wonderful news we received! So happy to hear πŸ™‚


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