Friday Faves

Be Happy Be Bright Be You

FriYAY, guys! I just got back from a run with my friend Camille, and I have some time before work to lay on my couch, blog and watch the Today Show before getting ready for work. Thankful for the ability to wear workout clothes to work, because I have another workout tonight, so why get dressed?

Hallie-style, let’s talk some peaks and pits before getting into some Friday faves:

Peaks: Happy to say there’s more peaks than pits! I’m feeling better, I have a fun weekend of: Uplift for a Junior League event, beach, and long run planned and I had a moderately calm week this week. I developed a close relationship with my couch while sick last week that I chose to continue this week, and I regret nothing (especially because the next week or so until Labor Day are pretty busy. All fun stuff, but busy all the same.)

Pits: When I asked my doctor last week why I kept getting sick, she said “I don’t know, bad luck?” UM, NO, DR. LADY. As an otherwise relatively healthy person, I wasn’t ready to take that for an excuse, so I asked friends for ENT recommendations and went to see one this week. He said I had acid reflux and inflamed sinuses, and sent me for a CT scan yesterday just to rule things out.

Friday Favorites

I’ve had my eyes on the sparkly J. Crew Birks for a while, but know I don’t need another pair of sparkly sandals when I already wear metallic Jacks every day. But I’ve had a J. Crew gift card for a while, and I happened to spy a J. Crew coupon code (REFRESH), and I got them for basically half off with the gift card.

Yesterday, after the CT scan, I had some time before meeting friends for drinks, so I took a walk to my mothership, the Lilly store. The cut of their dresses varies so much dress to dress and season to season, so I’m not sure if I lost a little weight or if the dresses are cut a bit more generously this year, but things fit me a lot better than they did last season, so I picked up this little number. I really wanted this but refrained.

I walked from 60th and Park up to 77th and Madison and back down to 37th and Park, back to home in Flatiron later. I love that my office is so close to my apartment, but it means I don’t walk as much as other New Yorkers/as much as I used to, so I enjoyed just strolling last night.

My apartment is really starting to feel like home (would you be interested in an apt tour on the blog?), and I love the nautical prints I got from this Etsy shop. I’m not sure if Manhattan beach chic is a thing, but I’m going to make it happen.

I’m not getting any younger, and I’m trying to hold off Botox as long as possible, so I finally bought a cute lobster baseball cap I can wear on the beach.

The Surfset instructor the other night wore these leggings, and I never knew I needed pineapple leggings…but I do, apparently.

Loving Grace’s guide to frosé. MUST.

I discovered the other day that Fresh Direct sells cauliflower rice and other Paleo grain alternatives. I’ve felt best when I eat that way, so I’m trying to get back to it.

I also discovered the other day I currently have 15 vacation days and will accrue 8 more by the end of the year so I have some serious wanderlust right now, especially after missing last week’s trip. WHERE SHOULD I GO?

I’m not a smoothie-for-breakfast kinda girl. I need to chew. HOWEVER, I was in our workout the other morning and had to be out in LIC by 8 and didn’t want to eat a lot before the workout, but knew I needed something. I bought a few packets of the Vega All-in-One nutrition shake and managed to get through a workout AND stay satiated until lunch. 10/10 would drink again.

On living a mediocre life. Someone in a group I’m in shared this this week, and it was definitely thought provoking. I don’t know what my next big professional goal is now that I got promoted this summer…and I am a-okay with that.

My girl Katy always writes awesome stuff, but she’s been especially killing it with her content lately.

We had a piece at work lately about SpikedSeltzer, and whether it’s good for you or not. My personal verdict: 10/10, would drink again. (Warning to any NYCers headed out east: you will be surrounded by late 20something basic bitches getting drunk on this and calling it SELTZ. Come prepared with headphones.)

I’ve made it a goal to write more — and I’m starting with writing more at work, and am thinking about what that means for this space. I’m also going to start writing more about my marathon training now that it’s back on track. I had nothing to write about the next few weeks being sick on and off, but I’M BACK.


7 comments on “Friday Faves

  1. Cate

    Two things:
    1. I cringed as I read SELTZ. I can imagine myself rolling my eyes all the way back if I overheard this. 🙂
    2. I’d love to see a post about your apartment. I’m always curious how people in smaller spaces make it work. I’m in a two bedroom with basement space and I feel like I need more room. Could be I just need not organization or to let things go!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Gillian Clow

    Feeling like your clothes fit you better (or new ones fit better) is the best feeling – it’s totally you and not a new cut of their clothes!

    Also, burst out laughing reading “SELTZ.”

  3. heather @ life in leggings

    Hi Theodora! Loving all of these faves. I must say, I’m highly intrigued by SETLZ. I be sure not to call it that if/when I order it. 😉 Also, yes to an apartment tour. I need all of the small space inspiration I can get! Happy weekend!

  4. Jillian

    Girl, just say no to Botox! I’m an R+F consultant and will happily send you an Acute Care sample…and virtually everyone (like seriously, everyone) sees results in one use. Keep wearing the hat though. Sun protection and ADORABLE. Let’s connect if you want the sample 😉


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