Alternate title: Why does Carla always know exactly what I’m thinking?
^ She had a fabulous post up recently about “improving on the noise.” There is a tool that I will not name that I think ruined Twitter for me and many others. Now, instead of logging in and conversing with those I know and those who share the same interests as me, I’m confronted with a stream of friends thinking they need to “engage” or “add to the conversation” by sharing as many articles as they can schedule in one day.
Yes, sometimes these lead me down interesting wormholes, but I rarely remember who posted it and build a connection with that person—which is the point of social media for me.
But anyway – for the past year or so, I’ve been making a conscious effort to put stuff on this corner of my Internet that I really want to, not just to share inspid details about my life and workouts for the sake of blogging.
I also prioritize other things over blogging these days, but I still cherish this little space on the Internet, so I wanted to tell you about my new latest ritual.
Last year, amidst tough times, I tried really hard to cultivate a mindfulness practice. Like everything else health related, you need to keep it up even in the good times (I’m not going to stop running just because I’m feeling particularly healthy!)…but I haven’t.
The other day, I was cleaning my apartment, and I happened to find a gratitude journal (randomly enough, branded by Wells Fargo. I have zero clue what one has to do with the other or where I originally got it, but alas.)
Some people share their gratitude online, but there’s certainly some stuff I’m very private about, but over the past few days, I’ve included everything from a really sweet comment on Instagram from a friend to being grateful to go back to work with coworkers I enjoy after a long weekend to a rare warm December day to a fun date at a Christmas-y bar followed by catching up with a good friend.
The holidays can be stressful and filled with so many expectations for many, but I love my new habit of taking a minute to be grateful at the end of each day.
What are you grateful for right now? How do you practice gratitude?