Tag Archives: healthy living summit

How ‘Bout Them Cockles?

Yesterday, after the Social Media for Nonprofits conference, I still had to run. I’ve been waking up early (by some miracle) since getting laid off, but I haven’t had to be anywhere super-early, so getting in an early run because I needed to just wasn’t happening yesterday.

So in between the conference (recap later) and dinnertime, I needed to work in a little run. I told my coach that repeating the 6-7 milers twice a week was getting a little soul-crushing, so I’m now doing one 6-miler, 1 day of speedwork and 1 short run day, in addition to my long run. I’ve always run three days a week, so I’m just hoping not to get injured. (I think I’ll be okay.)

Yesterday’s run was a three-miler. YES! A short run was just what I needed to feel pumped up again.

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Oops. I ran fast.

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It was too pretty a day not to, and I was feeling too good not to, so I did. I run because I can.

I had plans to go to Ashley’s for dinner, and Bo had asked me to pick up some clam juice.

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I underestimated my route, so I stopped at 2.8 miles, walked into the grocery store, grabbed clam juice and ran .2 miles home with the clam juice in hand. I don’t know how I didn’t drop it, but I didn’t.

I took the quickest shower of my life, and headed to Ashley and Bo’s for dinner and to work on our HLS presentation. We’re going to be talking about, with Cynthia, how to use the Internetz to make friends.


Bo made us a nice little salad.


And some delicious linguine with clam sauce, since they were both going on their long runs today. I loved the parsley and the red pepper flakes, even if Bo was a wee bit heavy-handed on the red pepper 😉

How have you used the Internet to make friends? Leave a comment, and we might include it in our presentation.

Getting Excited + Ask a Run Coach!

I honestly had no idea what to blog about this afternoon. I’ve so far only left my house to walk Bailey, I haven’t worked out yet, I haven’t eaten anything exciting, I haven’t had any blog-worthy epiphanies. (Or any non blog-worthy epiphanies either.) Ali suggested I think about some fun stuff coming up, and I’m in a slightly better mood already.


I’m going on a hot air balloon ride tomorrow for a blogger event with Hershey. (Yes, like the chocolate.) I’m equally terrified and excited. Flying in a big, sturdy plane terrifies me, so I am sure this will, too. But do one thing a day that scares you, right? I have a feeling it will be well worth the fear.



I’m going sailing with Ashley and Bo on Friday. There was a Groupon a few months ago, and I bought it fully intending to go alone and look for cute sailing boys, before Ashley told me her and Bo also bought a Groupon. They’ve been informed they will be playing wingman and lady for me.


I’m excited to run 13 miles this Saturday. I haven’t run that long since I ran the More/Fitness Half in April. Thirteen miles is an incredibly legit distance, that makes me feel like I’m really training for a marathon, and not just running a lot. That long run will be followed by a bagel, obviously, and then some fabulous outdoor birthday celebrations for friends.


Maine! I’m going there in a few weekends to see Lizzy and my friend Lindsay, who’s back from Hawaii for a few days. I will also be running the Freeport Half while there, meeting Joy and it will be awesome.


There will be lobster rolls involved.


HLS! I will be speaking about how to use social media to network and make friends, and I’m excited. You know, as long as I don’t throw up all over myself first.


I will have 17 miles on my marathon training schedule, and I’m sure there will be other marathon-training bloggers to run with in Philly. I’m excited.

I’m also hoping that sometime in the next month, I will have an awesome new job to tell you about. Fingers crossed, okay?

What are you excited about? And do you have any advice for staying sane during a long job search??

Also–my running coach has agreed to do a running Q&A here on the blog. So, leave a comment with any burning running questions you’re dying to have answered by a coach!