Tag Archives: hurricane irene

The Quiet After the Storm

Greetings from NJ, where the worst of the hurricane seems to have passed.


Which is good, because Bailey had to go out.


My classy head-to-toe? North Face ski coat, Lululemon crops and a pair of really awkward-height Hunters scored on Gilt a few years ago and worn exactly twice. Bailey’s? Yellow raincoat courtesy of the pet store.


So far, this looks like the only damage in my parents’ house, which isn’t too too bad. Oh, and our patience.


My dad tied the grill to the house, which ended up being completely unnecessary but is now kind of funny.


There’s a giant puddle in the driveway, which Bailey really liked splashing through. Thanks buddy.


We stopped at Starbucks on the way home, because just in the case the world ended, I wanted to have one more spinach feta wrap.

Then I basically spent the day eating. I mean, what else are you supposed to do?


Chicken francese with brown rice and broccoli.


My mom made me clean my closet, and I now have quite a few bags of clothes. Does anyone have any interest in buying anything? Lots of Banana Republic, Ann Taylor, J. Crew and Vineyard Vines stuff in sizes 10-14. Let me know if you’re interested and I can photograph some stuff and post it. Otherwise, I’ll be sending it all to Goodwill.


Because they’re sort of big on me.

Although after this hurricane, they might not be any more.


Texas toast.


Spaghetti and meatballs. (With whole-wheat pasta. I pretended to be healthy-ish last night.)


And pancakes this morning. My mom apologized for not using Crisco in the pancakes, which is how she used to make them.

No, Mom, thank you.

Now that the bulk of the storm seems to have passed, I’m hoping to maybe get in a hot yoga class later this afternoon.

How about you? Have you been eating your weight in food so you could float away if you had to, too? How bad was the storm by you?

That Time I Outran a Hurricane

Just in case you haven’t turned on a TV or looked at the Internet in the past week, and I’m your primary source of information:



I was supposed to run a sweet race on the beach tomorrow, so I was going to get my long run out of the way today anyway, but then this Irene bitch made it a necessity.

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I met up with the fast and friendly Gia, her husband and friend around 42nd Street so that I could knock out 12 miles today.

We ran down the West Side Highway to the Brooklyn Bridge and ran back over the Manhattan Bridge before I split up with them to run back west. Running with Gia is never easy–she’s definitely faster than me–but it’s a fun challenge to try to keep up with her.

And we outran the storm. (I mean, it’s technically not coming until tomorrow anyway, but still.)

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I ran straight to Murray’s Bagels, and foursquare called me a fatty. Listen foursquare, I just ran 12 miles, okay? I kind of really like carbs.


I mean, this is why I run. For bagels.

I spent a lazy afternoon trying to decide whether to stay put for the hurricane or go home to NJ.

It would be so much fun if I stayed and hurricane partied and took cool pictures. But if I get stuck in my apartment or my windows break because I’m on a high floor? Fail.

There are plenty of other days to party, and I can look at other people’s cool pictures on the Internet. I guess. I would like 10 nights in a row drinking wine and having fun when I come back.

“What should I pick up for you, sweetie?” my mom asked.

I gave her a list, but it basically consisted of bananas, nut butter, carbs, vegetables and booze. That’s all I really need.


I went to Duane Reade to do my own storm prep. It looks like the ATM was already out of cash.


And running low on water.


But I got my own hurricane essentials.

So tell me. What do you think about this hurricane? Are you worried or not so much? And what are your hurricane essentials?