Tag Archives: marathon

The Best Part of Marathon Training

As I unlocked my boy Bruiser from the bike rack this morning and hoisted his bulky aluminum frame over my shoulders, I realized something.

I’m in the best part of marathon training right now.

Gone are the weeks where my long runs are still in the single digits. Don’t get me wrong, any run is still an accomplishment, but I found it hard getting excited for an 8-mile run. It was just long enough to feel long but not long enough to feel like I was really accomplishing something.

I wasn’t looking forward to training for this marathon when I started, but I was looking forward to the marathon itself. Over the past few weeks, as I crushed half-marathons and long runs, I started seeing my strength in a way you don’t see it in single-digit runs.

I look forward to my runs now. All of them. From the short three-milers to the long 20-milers that I know are coming soon, I’m excited. Each one of these runs has a purpose, and that is to prepare me for the NYC Marathon.

I realized that this morning as I cruised (by cruise, I mean pedaled as fast I could which is still not that fast) down the Hudson River Path and back for some cross-training. While triathlon training (and I use the word “training” very loosely to describe how I prepared), I would look at the runners on the path and be so glad to be biking. Today, it was the other way around.

Or maybe I’m still riding that post-PR glow.

What is your favorite part of race training? The beginning, the middle, or the taper? (If you say taper, you’re crazy. That’s the most stressful part of any race.) Also, what’s your favorite distance to run? I’m pretty sure mine is the half-marathon distance. But you knew that. My favorite short distance is 4. It’s a nice round number.










Running With Boys + Sprint Tri Photos

This morning, I had plans to run six miles with a friend who lives in my building. I was freaking out about an interview and all ready to cancel on him, but he wouldn’t let me.

Fine. I’ll run.

Per usual, I’m glad I did. I was WIPED OUT when I came back, but I also had some serious runners’ high.

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Running with boys is tough. He seriously kicked my ass. So much so that we ran into my friend Tiffany while out, and she thought he was my coach. (Marc, watch out!) I was supposed to do six miles, but I misjudged and we ended up back at our building at 5.5. But in just under 50 minutes, or a 8:59 pace (which is fast for me for over 5 miles), so I was okay with that.

It took me a really long time to pull myself off the floor.

Sprint Tri Photos

I finally got them back. They’re um, interesting, to say the least. I’m disappointed, also, that they only caught bike photos and no running photos (and I guess they don’t catch swim photos.) Honestly, this race left a terrible taste in my mouth, and I do really want to find a good redemption one that won’t interfere with marathon training too much. If not, I know of a tri I’m definitely doing next year–the Franklin Lakes/Wyckoff tri! (Hometown tri.)

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Life is great! I finished the swim! I love my bike! I’m doing my first triathlon!

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How can I smile for the camera and not fall? (Please don’t fall. Please don’t fall.)

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I have HOW MANY MORE miles? On a bike? When can I run??

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I hate this picture. I was so angry. If you don’t ever want to see this face again, then don’t mess with me.

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Hello? What’s that? Oh. Right. I just finished my first triathlon!!!

Internet Domination

I am now two guest posts closer to total internet domination.

Check ’em out:

Marathons + Moderation on Healthy, Happier Bear (or, how to train for a marathon without giving up alcohol)

How to Keep Your Next Run from Ending in the Port-a-Potty on Carrots ‘n’ Cake (or, how to not poop your pants while running)

You can keep drinking and you won’t poop your pants. See? No reason to not run a marathon.

Questions: Do you ever run with dudes? Are you faster than them? (While it’s awesome to be faster than a guy, I actually prefer running with a guy who’s faster than me. It means he’s more hardcore.) Do you smile for race photos or am I the only cheeseball? What do you do to keep your stomach calm while running? Have you ever been in a hot air balloon? Did you freak the hell out? Because that’s what I’m doing right now.