Tag Archives: marathon

Celebrate Every Day, Part 2

Remember how I said yesterday my mom and I look for a reason to celebrate every day?

Well! Today I have a really big reason to celebrate.

After five and a half months of searching, networking, applying, researching companies, getting dressed up for interviews, putting my game face on, interviewing, writing follow-up emails, completing follow-up projects, getting rejected, rinse, repeat…


Truth be told, much of these past five and a half months has been really hard. I’ve been putting on a happy face here to keep my sanity, but it’s been really difficult. These past few months have taught me to look at the silver lining–I am healthy, otherwise happy, I had time to train for the marathon without having to stress how to fit it into my job schedule, I’ve learned a ton about a lot of companies, and I’ve gotten really good at putting pitches together for freelance clients and pitching myself for interviews.

But I’m really glad to be going back to an office. I missed the day-to-day routine, steady income, health insurance that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg and having others around. Being single and living alone AND working at home? Not for me. Too much me time for this chatty girl.

So what will I be doing? I’m going to be doing social media for a well-established PR firm. I’m really excited about their clients, the work they’re doing and being a part of the team. Everyone I met with seemed as excited to have me on the team as I am to join, and they all are really passionate about their work. I start the Monday after Thanksgiving!

So clearly I’ve been celebrating.

With book club last night.



With Emily this afternoon at New York Burger Co.


Yes, I did eat all that ketchup. Thank you for asking.


Emily got a salad and fries. A girl after my own heart.


And then I came home to this sweet postcard from my physical therapist.



And the race bling I’d ordered from Erica. (Go buy stuff from her! It’s really pretty! She doesn’t ask me to say this or pay me to say this, she’s just a friend who makes gorgeous stuff.)

So yeah. A marathon PR and job offer about a week apart? I’m pretty much smiling ear-to-ear right now. Thanks for putting up with me these past few months–both if you’re reading this or you’ve had to deal with me in person. AND A HUGE THANKS to my friend and former coworker Abby for passing on the referral for this job!

How Did You Shave 40 Minutes Off Your Marathon Time, and What’s Next?

I try to live my life without regrets, but I also like to constantly improve on myself, so sometimes that takes some looking at where I’ve gone wrong.

So first, let’s talk about the parts of my training I would like to do differently next year.

  • Start speedwork early. I started marathon training in July, but I don’t think I started doing speedwork until September. I also want to incorporate some Yasso 800s into my training, mostly so if I meet Bart Yasso again, I don’t have to tell him I don’t do his workout.
  • Stay consistent with strength training. I don’t know if the lack of strength training led to my knee pain, but I know it can’t possibly have helped. I was good on my strength training at the beginning of training, but I started slacking pretty quickly.
  • Stretch more. Last year, I was so good at stretching after every run, but this year, I sort of substituted the ice bath for stretching. Bad.
  • Maintain a healthier diet. I started carb-loading really early. I could have used some more vegetables while training.


Look! It’s green!

Really, other than that, I think my training was pretty spot-on. Since a few people have asked, here’s how I think I was able to shave 40 minutes off of my marathon time.

  • Speedwork. I didn’t do any last year, and really, I was okay with that. It was my first time running the marathon and I was terrified of getting injured. I didn’t want to push speed and distance at the same time.
  • Running more. Last year, I’d say I stuck to about 60 percent of my scheduled runs. This year, it was closer to 90 percent. Granted, I also had the luxury of time on my side this year, but I think even if I had been working in an office this fall, I would have found a way to get my runs in. I’m more dedicated to running this time around. By running more, I also mean more days. Last year, I ran 3 days a week; this year I ran 4 days a week. I’m pretty sure 4 days a week is my personal maximum–at least right now–but the more you run, the more your body adapts to it.
  • Not putting my life on hold.Last year, I generally refused to do anything the night before a long run or the day of a long run after I was done. This year, I was definitely cognizant of being careful to get enough sleep and hydrate well enough for a run, but I was fine having a beer or two the night before a long run–even my 20-milers! While I was certainly focused on my goal, I think relaxing a bit about things actually helped my body out, too.201111090742.jpg
  • Running with faster people. Basically, meeting Gia really helped. Running a few long runs and a racewith her helped me realize that I really could push my pace.201111090739.jpg

What’s Next?

The other question I’ve gotten a few times is–what’s next?

While I am so damn happy with shattering my marathon and half-marathon goals, I’m not ready to hang up my Sauconys yet.

So, my 2012 race goals are as follows:

  • Marathon: sub-4. This is a pretty ambitious goal, but with another year of good training, I think I can do it. Before Sunday, I was nearly positive I was going to run Marine Corps next year. Now, I’m not sure if any marathon could ever live up to the NYC Marathon, and I’m thinking of running both next year. Either way, there will be another marathon in my life next year.
  • Half-marathon: sub-1:50. (Also pretty damn ambitious.) My next half is the DC (now RnR) Half in March. To be honest, I’m not sure if I’ll be clamoring to try to PR at that one or not (although I have a hard time training for a big race without trying to PR, so we’ll see), but that is the next big race on my calendar.

What have you found has helped or hurt you in training for a long race? What’s your next big goal???