Tag Archives: running

Finding Inspiration

Nothing super out-of-the-ordinary happened yesterday, but I still found lots of inspiration all around me.

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From running with a ridiculously fast friend who doesn’t let even a bitch of a disease like Crohn’s get her down (you can help her raise money for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation here.)


To hanging out with a seriously successful blogger friend who’s always pushing herself to achieve more.


To hanging out with a group of successful women bloggers all inspiring in their own ways.

I’m finding just how important it is for me to associate myself with people who truly impress me and push me to be a better person, blogger, cook, runner. And that I have a lot to offer, too.


Is it a bit of a reach to say I also find inspiration in chocolate? No? Okay, then this chocolate hazelnut butter is positively inspiring. Any day that starts with some chocolate can’t possibly end badly.


I drizzled it over some cookie dough cereal (in my mix: 1/3 cup oats, 3/4 scoop protein powder, 3/4 cup almond milk, half a banana, sprinkled with flaxseed) and tried really hard not to lick the bowl.

I just asked this on Twitter, but are there any books or blogs you’ve read lately that have inspired you? (Specifically, any inspiring career reads?) Also, who in your life (or who in blog world) inspires you?

A few books that have inspired me: Unlimited by Jillian Michaels and Running on Empty by Marshall Ullrich.

Sweating With Friends

Last night walking back from dinner, Tina and I had a talk about how running makes us more responsible. We had seven miles planned for today, so we knew that there was no way we could continue drinking wine and still run. We were in bed by around 11:30 and up around 5:30 to meet Ali in Central Park for a run.


Tina and I ran a mile up to Central Park, and ran 2 miles to the reservoir path, hoping we’d find Ali. We started around the reservoir, and I saw a familiar sweaty girl standing, looking confused on the bridle path.


I know her!

We took off and ran a chatty, sweaty lap with Ali before parting ways. As you may already know if you read her blog, Ali is a speed demon. I’m sure she slowed down a bit to run with us, but I still felt like I was flying running with her.


Sweaty girls.

Any time I’ve run the reservoir before, I’ve always exited closer to Columbus Circle, but exited on the northwest side, and continued running north on the bridle path. After running for about another mile or so (my Garmin died so I’m not really sure), I told Tina I was pretty sure we were at 6-7 and were near Columbus Circle and we could start walking. We walked about two blocks before I saw Central Park West and 100th Street, realized I was completely turned around and we got on the subway.


Will run for bagels.


Tina and I are blogging right now, while Bailey helps.


By helps, I mean naps.