Tag Archives: running

Birds + Dogs

This morning when I woke up (before my alarm..AGAIN!), I was being stared down by 22 pounds lhasa apso and poodle.


I’ll show you, I told him, sleepily.


So I dragged him out to the West Side Highway to do a little jogging.

I usually say I run (and get pissed if someone calls me a jogger), but today’s excursion was most definitely a jog. I ran for time, not distance, so I wouldn’t get frustrated with how slow we were going. Running with a little boy dog means stopping every few feet to pee on something. Him, not me. I would guess we ran about 2 miles though in half an hour (slower than my normal pace, for sure, but exercise all the same.)


As I ran back east towards my apartment, there was a scary scene of birds swarming the corner. This picture doesn’t even show the half of it. Every 15 seconds or so, more birds would come, land, feast on something I couldn’t see, and then take off in all directions. I finally turned around and ran the hell out of there.


I made some cookie dough oatmeal when I got home. It starts out relatively attractive, but gets ugly quickly. Like me after a few drinks.

An Unusual Package


Last night, I arrived home to an unusual package. Eight $25 gift cards and a bottle of Fiber Choice. A secret admirer concerned about my regularity?

Not quite. I won Janetha’s healthy choices giveaway. She asked what her readers would do with $200 to make their lives healthier, and I said I’d buy a Physique 57 package–something I probably wouldn’t do otherwise. Well, her random number picker picked me! Physique 57, I’m coming at you…with my eight gift cards.


This morning, I met Emily for brunch at 44 1/2, somewhere we’ve both wanted to go since seeing Jordan write about it. I got the California omelet–egg whites with avocado, spinach, mozzarella and tomato. We were going to go for a long bike ride, but she left her bike at work since it was supposed to rain. I got in a quick three-mile run before we met up. And also achieved the unplanned goal of inhaling a whole set of lungs full of pollen. Yay?

Now I’m going to go catch a few rays before I head out for Derby parties. Because a rooftop is a terrible thing to waste.