Keeping Myself Accountable

That’s why I started this blog. To keep myself accountable. It worked, and I lost 50 pounds. (I mean, there was a lot of other hard work, too. You can’t lose 50 pounds just by taking pics of food, unfortunately.)

Lately I’ve felt a little bored writing about the minutiae of my food and workouts, but when I don’t keep myself accountable, I’m less likely to stick to my healthy habits.

I love races, and I love challenging myself, but since the half-marathons last month, I’ve felt in a little bit of a rut. I’ve been trying to challenge myself with strength-training, but my heart isn’t totally into it.

You stick what what you like, and I found a new thing I like: Physique 57. I tried it Monday with Jess, and I really liked it. More than I liked Bar Method when I tried it. I had one free class (you get two-for-one with your first class) left at Physique so I did it again this morning, while it was still on my mind. My body is slowly getting used to this class, and it was easier this time. (Still really hard, mind you, but no longer so impossible I couldn’t do a huge portion of the exercises.)

I woke up too late and grabbed a cab up there (something I swore I’d never do–take a cab to work out? Really?!), so I didn’t run there. I still wanted to challenge myself to run 3 miles, so I ran 3 miles 1.JPG

Past a foggy Bryant Park.

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Let’s just pretend this is artsty and not just a line on the street.

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Past the main post office.

I’m excited that I am challenging myself again. I have that awesome feeling of accomplishment back that I had when I was losing weight two years ago.

And I have a feeling that once I sign up for my first triathlon today and start swimming and biking workouts, I’ll feel challenged all over again.


And I’ll eat a lot more of these.

What kind of exercise doesn’t feel like exercise to you?

7 comments on “Keeping Myself Accountable

  1. Kimra

    I really like this question. There was definitely a point that I can’t quite identify where running changed from “exercise” to “sanity.” (OK, treadmills still feel like exercise.) And rock climbing doesn’t feel like exercise at all to me; it’s a personal challenge, and I get sweaty and sore, but I’ve never thought of it as primarily a workout.

  2. Becky

    I am *this close* to signing up for a triathlon. I think the only way I’ll ever get it done is to just register and train out of fear. Maybe that’s not normal, but I never claimed to be normal. Since you went for it, I think I need to take the leap.

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Becky: Um…that’s basically how I just did it. I’m terrified, but you’re supposed to do one thing a day that scares you, right?? Also, this is at a pool, not open water, which makes me feel better.

  3. Dori

    Love that you are loving my kind of workout. They are the best! Core Fusion never feels like a workout to me. It is my balance.


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