Princeton 70.3 Half Ironman Training: Week 1

I debated whether I’d share training logs for this race.

Did I want to open myself up to judgement? Did I want to stress myself out by being accountable?

In the end, I decided it was worth it, both for myself, and for you. I remember when Emily did an Ironman a few years ago, I was completely fascinated by her training logs. How the hell did one person work a full-time job AND do all this exercise?

I never want to work out that much, truly, so I don’t think I’ll ever do a full Ironman.

But I want to share with you the ups and downs of how someone with a full-time job and busy life is still managing to train for a very long-distance endurance race. I recently fell down an Internet wormhole and ended up reading about Lucy Danziger and how she competed in Ironmans, all while running a major magazine. No excuses. I am not too busy to train for this race.

So, let the logs begin!

Yoga Shanti

Monday: 60-minute yoga class

Preppy Runner Handstand

Tuesday: ninja workout + 3-mile run

Wednesday: 40-minute swim (I’m currently doing swims by time, not distance because NYHRC’s pool is so short. I’m pretty sure I’m going to quit and find a new pool for training.)

Thursday: 4-mile lunchtime run with a coworker

Friday: Uplifting Strength Happy Hour (wherein I ate/drank back all the calories I burned and then some with a fun dinner afterwards with Jen, Angela, Margaret and Kat, the instructor, who we dragged out with us.)

Saturday: More to come on this, but I CLIPPED IN!!!

Clipping In Bike

And lived to tell the tale! Thank you to Shannon for the lesson—you rock!

Sunday: 7-mile run. It was really hot and humid—I left way too late. Welcome back summer running!

What are you training for? What did your week of training look like?

16 comments on “Princeton 70.3 Half Ironman Training: Week 1

  1. Katie

    I’m doing a half on June 22, and my first sprint tri on July 19. I wanted to ride yesterday, but had to set up my garmin cadence sensor and get the proper air in the my tires, and it took an hour longer than I wanted it to. Half way through I decided I want to date a bike mechanic.

  2. Genna

    Yay for clipping in! I am excited for your 70.3 ! I am cetainly debating one and am looking forward to reading about your training! Good luck 🙂

    1. Theodora Blanchfield Post author

      I like Uplift better than any group fitness class ever 🙂 It’s very different from Physique/FlyBarre though—it’s not a barre class. They have a bootcamp class and a HIIT class, as well as a Sculpt Fusion class.

  3. Shawna Hussey

    look at you! excited for you on this training journey. errr my week of training was the usual running and strength work outs, plus more abs than usual (aka bikini training for long days spent on the boat, training myself to nap).

  4. Molly

    I’m so glad you’re sharing this journey – i’m doing my first sprint tri in august, but eagerly consuming all-things tri… so keep the updates coming!

  5. Mindy

    Hooray, so glad you’re sharing your training recaps! A HIM is definitely on my bucket list for sometime in the next couple of years.

  6. Ash Bear

    I am SO glad to share this training with you as we both embark on more swimming and overcoming our fears of clipping and biking! Your training rocked – wish Shannon was here to teach me too!

  7. Shauna

    Woooo! Glad you’re sharing your workouts. Today I embarked on week 3 with THREE workouts – Dailey Method, a 4 mi run, and an hour in the pool. Sh*t is getting REAL!

  8. wendy

    New York Health & Racquet Pools at Whitehall, 23rd, 50th, 56th are all plenty big — not sure which one you are swimming at. But if you’ve never seen Whitehall, it’s brand new and awesome! 60 feet of newness…check it out.

  9. Jane T.

    I love when people who work lots of hours + have lots of other things going on post their training logs too – it’s like an inspiration, or a kick in the ass when I don’t want to go do something. I’m not training for a tri but am a long distance runner and I’ll be gearing up for MCM soon! I work a lot and do Junior League (Boston) and things too – so please, keep sharing! 🙂


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