Category Archives: fitness

Getting Upside Down for a New Perspective

Yogamaya Yoga NYC

The last time I went through a tough time, I don’t want to say it was just yoga that pulled me out, but it sure as hell didn’t hurt.

Listening to the Rules of Inheritance again (hands down the best grief book I’ve read), I’ve heard about how Claire used yoga as a tool in her own grief journey. (Related: I’m working on a post on grief resources — any questions/anything you’d want me to include? Here’s what’s on my grief page now.)

I’m a runner, so basically from my hips down are pretty tight…um, always? So even if yoga isn’t a magic balm for my soul, it certainly helps my body. Except when I try too hard to get into my fave, ardha chandrasana, and I end up with a sore groin. (Man, 35 is sexy.)

So I’ve been trying to roll out my mat more and sit (or, warrior II, whatever) with those tough feelings. In yoga, I can tell myself “it’s just a thought” and let it go in a way I can’t anywhere else.

The other day, I found myself looking for that peace, and I walked my butt over to Yogamaya. Despite having done yoga on and off for years, I’ve been afraid to take an L2 (level 2) class. Would everyone be better than me? Would I fall out of poses? (The answer to that, always, will probably be yes.)

I’ll be totally honest: I was pretty bored by the beginning of the class and wondered when it would get good, when I would have that magical moment of everything clicking and feeling totally within the flow.

“OK, let’s bring our mats over to the wall.”

OH. What were we going to do?!

The instructor had us work on headstands with the wall there for safety. It was such a gentle approach, a far cry from a lot of studios that let the advanced do their inversions while you skulk into child’s pose, waiting for that portion of the class to be over. This video is similar to how we began, except we didn’t have blocks like that (though I’d like that!)

I put my head down, eager to try the pose in this supported way.

THWACK! went my legs against the wall. Thank god for the wall.

I came down and tried again, and again. After several tries, I was able to hold the pose for maybe a second or so…and I count that as a victory.

As we finally brought our mats back to our spots, I put mine down with new energy and vigor, amazed by the power of yoga inversions to give me a new perspective through a physical one.

Is there something physical that helped you gain a new emotional perspective?

ALSO! I’m starting a podcast. Let me know what you want to hear about! The topic of the show will be pretty broad, so bring it on ( + guest ideas!)

I Did it for the Endorphins

I had a really busy and stressful week last week at work.

By Friday, I was ready to crawl under my covers and hibernate.

I was chatting with my boss/favorite person and told her how excited I was to go home and get in bed.

“So, I can’t persuade you to come work out with me?”

I’d already run that morning, but it is hard for me to say no to her AND hard for me to say no to a workout.

Peloton or OrangeTheory?” she asked. Since I’d already run and had a long run scheduled for the next day, I told her I preferred Peloton. We looked at the schedule and IT WAS BRITNEY V. CHRISTINA. DONE.

We went, and I rocked the shit out of that ride. I danced along, I lip synced, and just generally had an awesome time and left all of my stress on the bike. To the point that the instructor came up to me after class and said he noticed me rocking out. No shame in my game.

Food is the Most Abused Anxiety Drug. Exercise is the most underutilized antidepressants.

Sometimes I work out to maintain my weight/stay healthy, etc, but sometimes it’s purely to keep me sane. I wholeheartedly believe in medication/therapy when necessary for one’s mental health, but sometimes it’s as simple as a high dosage of endorphins.

Favorite endorphin rush?